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Юный хендлер Вита Савостина.

Junior handler Polina Spasovska


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Тематический каталог ссылок "флора и фауна"  

PuppySites.Com - The Dog Lover's Online Directory! If you are looking for a dog-related website, this is a great place to start. We're a large and resourceful directory with a personal touch! 

Домашние животные на Питомец.ру - породы собак, служебные собаки, выставки собак, одежда для собак, корм для собак, питомники собак.

Интернет-журнал о собаках ПЕСИК

Питомник маленьких собак Чихуахуа в Украине: продажа щенков, фотографии, статьи.


Ksenija Sizova
(+371) 293 777 09
Rīga, Latvija
Aglonas 31-22,

Once you get to know an Irish Terrier well enough to get acquainted with his personality, to recognize the depth of his love, to behold his proud almost swaggering carriage, his catlike grace of movement and blinding speed and coordination of muscle, and his magnificent courage and heart, and to see his unnerving intelligence displayed again and again, you will be convinced that the Irish Terrier is one of the most magnificent of God's creations in the dog family.

From "Long-Legged Irishman,
Biography of a Terrier,"
by Byron N. Martin

The Irish Terrier

A friendly face
A fiery heart
A spirit - wild and free
A temperament of solid gold
There's no other dog for me

A chestnut coat
So rich, so red
Two eyes as black as night
A stature - sturdy, strong and hard
He'll impress with all his might

A friend for life
That's what he'll be
So loyal and oh so proud
This dog could never fail you
He's a treasure in a crowd.

by Tracey Deegan-Foley

is a
Proud Member
of the
Irish Terrier Ring

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